สำนักงานใหญ่: 034-468-410-4
ฝ่ายขายและการการตลาด: 0-2136-4802


The BL QUICK-CHANGE Model Flex-100B is a device for quick and accurate automatic changing of multiple end-effectors, such as material handling, palletizing and deburring. Pneumatic blocks and electrical connector blocks can be selected for the Flex-100B.

Master plate Attachments
・6 bolts(M8×55)
・Stepped parallel pin×1
※Seal plate, O-ring and screws are pre-assembled.

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Features of Flex-100B

  • Heavy duty applications

For heavy duty applications, such as deburring, a special seal prevents dust from entering the locking mechanism and electrical contacts when the plates are coupled.

  • Self-sealing pneumatic ports

There are six pneumatic ports in the Master plate (Rc3/8) . Four of the six ports are self-sealing, which automatically shut off air pressure when uncoupled and allow for easier air control in the system.

  • Large misalignment correction capability

The unique design corrects misalignment when the Master and Tool plates couple. An approach sensor system, built into the plates, verifies coupling capability.

  • Superior fail-safe locking mechanism

BL’s unique lock/unlock mechanism contains a mechanical fail-safe feature which does not allow the Master and Tool plates to uncouple if the air pressure is shut off.


Ordering Information


  • Electrical signal contact block

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100-M(T)-D15A,D15B

  • Non-contact electric signal block

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100-M(T)-B15NA_B,B15PA_B,B15DA_B

  • Ground

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M(T)-E50A,E50B

  • Pneumatic ports

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M(T)-P18A,P18B

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M(T)-P14A,P14B

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M(T)-P38A,P38B

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M(T)-P3WA,P3WB

  • Lock/unlock sensor

Load capacity:100kg(980N)Flex-100B-M-SA,SB